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Title: Mountain ash: A highly yielding eucalypt for moist high altitude sites in Kenya
Authors: Konuche, P.K.A
Keywords: Mountain ash
Issue Date: Oct-1990
Abstract: This paper reviews the performance of Eucalyptus regnas (mountain ash) in Kenya.Information is presented on its growth on various sites.It is shown that mountain ash reaches its best development on moist sites ranging from 2300 m to 2800 m above sea level. On such sites, yields can be up to three times that of commonly grown eucalypts.However, planting of mountain ash has been neglected. It is suggested that there should be increased planting of mountain ash for production of a wide range of wood products.It is also recommended that the impressive South Kinangop stand should be preserved as it has the tallest known trees in Kenya.
Description: A paper prepared for the first KEFRI Scientific Conference October, 1990
URI: http://localhost:80/jspui/handle/123456789/1163
Appears in Collections:Grey Literature

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