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Title: The incidence and host trees of the Pine woolly aphid, Pinus pini (L.), in east africa
Authors: Odera, Jeff A.
Keywords: pine woolly aphid
East africa
pineus pini
Issue Date: 1969
Publisher: KEFRI
Series/Report no.: Commonw For. Re.;Vol. 53, 2
Abstract: Heavy infestation by the pine woolly aphid was first discovered in the estates of the East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization (EAAFRO) at Muguga in January, 1969, where it was established on pines. The taxonomic status of the woolly aphid is briefly reviewed and it is concluded that only one species, Pineus pini (L.) (Homoptera: Adelgidae), is present in Kenya. The history of the introduction of pines is discussed in relation to the occurrence of P. pini in East Africa, and it is concluded that the pine woolly aphid was introduced from Australia on pine scions, about six years ago. Subsequent spread has since occurred in all directions from Muguga. Two isolated outbreaks have been reported from seed orchard plots in West Kilimanjaro and in the southern highlands of Sao Hill of Tanzania. Pineus pini has been reported on 39 species. Pinus massoniana Lamb., P. elliottii Engelm., P. contorta Doug!. ex Loud., and P. radiata D. Don were the most favoured hosts; while P. patula Sch!. and Cham. was less readily attacked. The majority of trees in a stand where the infestation is well established often develop heavy infestations, but a few trees remain untouched. P. ayacahuite Ehrenb. and P. strobus var. chiapensis Martinez. were resistant to attack.
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