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Title: Drug sensitivity of T. b. brucei stabilates from livestock in Lamu county, Kenya
Authors: Gathogo, M.
Shivairo, R.
Muleke, C.
Mdachi, R.
Mukiria Phoebe, P.
Wanyonyi Bernard, B.
Sayah Abiud, A.
William, L.
Gachie, Peter
Keywords: Lamu County
T. b. brucei
drug sensitivity
Issue Date: Feb-2018
Publisher: IJIRD
Series/Report no.: Vol. 7 Issue 2;
Abstract: Four trypanosome stabilates previously identified by PCR as T. b. brucei were isolated from livestock in Lamu and tested for drug sensitivity. The stabilates were grown in mice and characterized as either sensitive or resistant using a single dose of; Isometamidium (1.0mgkg-1), Diminazene (20mgkg-1) or Homidium (1.0mgkg-1). Effective and curative doses were noted and evaluated through t-test and bio-assay descriptive graphical analyses. Clinical changes and mortality, Packed Cell Volume (PCV), parasitaemia and weight changes were monitored for 60 days post infection. KETRI 4028 responded to Isometamidium and Diminazene. KETRI 4032, KETRI 3985 and KETRI 3984 were resistant. Results indicated presence of T. b. brucei sub populations circulating in Lamu with multiple resistance to drugs used and 25% of sub-population of T. b. brucei that may be sensitive to Isometamidium and Diminazene. Homidium should be discouraged while use of Diminazene and Isometamidium should be used with caution.
URI: http://localhost:8282/jspui/handle/123456789/882
ISSN: 2278 – 0211 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Journals

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