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Title: Process of whole culm furniture making
Other Titles: A quick guide to the processes involved in making Bamboo furniture
Step by step processes
Authors: KEFRI
Keywords: Bamboo furnitures
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: KEFRI
Abstract: Traditional Bamboo furniture is widely produced and used in many developing countries across the globe. Bamboo is a locally available low-cost material which is strong and durable; and makes elegant, light weight and eco-friendly furniture, providing enormous opportunities for craftsmen and entrepreneurs (both rural and urban) to establish enterprises with low investment. This technical bulletin illustrates the step-by-step process of production of whole culm bamboo furniture. These techniques can be applied and adopted for producing bamboo furniture from different bamboo species / varieties. Specifically, this technique is suitable for bamboo varieties of medium to large diameter (3-30 cm) and with medium to high wall thickness (1 cm+).
URI: http://localhost:8282/jspui/handle/123456789/888
Appears in Collections:Bulletins

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