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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Characteristics of soils in selected maize growing sites along altitudinal gradients in East African highlandsNadir, Stanley; Njuguna, Elijah; Gathara, Mary;
2015Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Lime on Grain Yield, Protein Content and Kernel Weight of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in KenyaNadir, Stanley; Othieno, Caleb; Ng’etich, Wilson; Ochuodho, Julius
2018Nutrient Dynamics in Eucalyptus Plantations of Different Ages before and during IntercroppingNadir, Stanley; Othieno, Caleb; Kebeney, Syphiline
2018Effects of water soluble polyphenols in Eucalyptus grandis trees and their effects on crops and soil water repellencyNadir, Stanley; Ng’etich, Wilson
2018-03Factors influencing adoption of on-farm tree planting in Shinyalu Sub-County, Kakamega, KenyaKhalwale, T.; Langat, David; Abuom, P.; Okoth, S.
2020-07-17Effects of integrated use of Calliandra calothyrsus and Maize Stover with urea on soil mineral nitrogen, Striga Infestation and maize yields in Western KenyaNyambati, Robert O.; Odhiambo, Duncan G.; Serrem, Cornelius K.; Othieno, Caleb O.; Mairura, Frank S.
2020Extensions of Lefkovitch matrix for modeling invasive Cestrum aurantiacum population Dynamics.Mullah, J. A.; Ojunga, S. O.; Nyakinda, J. O.; Okuto, E.
2020Sensitivity analyses of population projection matrix of Cestrum aurantiacum.Mullah, J. A.; Ojung’a, S. O.; Nyakinda, J. O.; Okuto, E.
2004Central Highlands Eco-Region Research ProgrammeKEFRI
2014-06Laborarotory Information Services at KEFRIKEFRI
